Thursday, June 17, 2010

M.I.A Update

I recently made it through my first semester of college....... not quite how I planned to finish it. I won't make excuses and say that it was hard, because it wasn't (besides my Philosophy class *blah). Truthfully I found myself in a rough spot that kinda got me stuck in the mud. I was unhappy with where I was, and did not seem to be headed in the direction that was right for me. I also became distracted from my goals, like many beginning college students. I became caught in "the moment."
After receiving my grades, along with many "you screwed up" speeches, I knew I had to do better.

When summer came along, I knew I would have no excuse to slack, when there was so much time for everything. I needed to stay busy!

An opportunity for an internship arose just in the knick of time, and what did I do??? I took it of course!
I am now working as an Intern/Lab tech at a print studio right outside of Atlanta (yeah outside. as in Palmetto, Ga).

I took this opportunity as a sign of change, and it has proven itself as a positive one.
After a few weeks of back and forth from the Lab, summer semester began. I have declared my BA (Bachelor of the Arts) major at GA State allowing me to fill my schedule with Art classes. Being involved in the arts at school again has made me a lot more at ease about attending.

Now that I am happily back in school and working towards something I love, I have much more motivation. I have no doubt that from the depths of where I recently emerged, "up" is the only way to go!

With that said I have made a personal priority list of things I plan to focus on for the summer (some you may recognize):

-My portfolio
-Pulling up my GPA
-Creative Minds

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